University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics
   Dr. George Alexandru NEMNES
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Measurement protocol guidelines for the J-V characteristics in perovskite solar cells

Dynamic electric model (DEM) simulations, at a bias scan rate of 20 mV/s (solid lines) and 500 mV/s (dashed lines), under bias pre-poling conditions (P0).
Measured dynamic J-V characteristics, at a bias scan rate of 20 mV/s (black symbols) and 500 mV/s (red symbols), under bias pre-poling conditions (Vpol).
Forward-reverse (F-R) and reverse-forward (R-F) scans present different types of hysteresis, normal or inverted, depending on the initial polarization P0 (Vpol).
Forward scan (F): the bias is varied from V=0 to V=Voc.
Reverse scan (R): the bias is varied from V=Voc to V=0.
Dynamic electric model (DEM) simulations Measured dynamic J-V characteristics

Measured stationary J-V characteristics (insets), obtained by stabilizing Voc (R-F) and Isc (F-R), at a bias scan rate of 5 mV/s.
For a bias scan rate of 20 mV/s, the hysteresis is still visible.
Stationary J-V characteristics

Measurement protocol guidelines for obtaining the stationary characteristics:
Measurement protocol guidelines for a meaningful characterization of the hysteresis:
Common pitfalls!
G. A. Nemnes, Cristina Besleaga, A. G. Tomulescu, Alexandra Palici, L. Pintilie, A. Manolescu and Ioana Pintilie,
"How measurement protocols influence the dynamic J-V characteristics of perovskite solar cells: theory and experiment",
Solar Energy 173, 976 (2018)

See also:

The dynamic electrical model (DEM)
Normal and inverted hyteresis in perovskite solar cells
Hysteresis index
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